Best Premature Ejaculation Book: Ejaculation Freedom By Dan Becket
I’ll often get asked by men who can’t last in bed what the best premature ejaculation book is. In the past, I didn’t have a definitive answer as those on offer was underwhelming, to say the least.
They were either written by the tantric sex crowd and involved way too much talk of chakra and spiritual energy or they were written by a guy who was obviously just trying to sell any book online.
Enter Dan Becket and The Ejaculation freedom Book
Now when I get asked that same question I don’t flinch an eyelid. “Go and download yourself a copy of Dan Becket’s Ejaculation Freedom right now,” I say.
It may sound rough but if you’re a guy with premature ejaculation and you have not tried this program you really do only have yourself to blame.
It’s the first time a quality training course that you can download has been around and once word gets around how good it is we think it may be putting a few so-called premature ejaculation experts and sexual clinic marketers out of business.
The program revolves around 7 core skills of extending the duration of intercourse and it’s designed so each of them works together. Author Dan Becket explains it best in the link above but what it means is that if you want to put a stop to premature ejaculation you’ll need to learn a range of skills and you need to combine them all at the same time.
My Experience With The Ejaculation Freedom Program
I complete the program myself just over 2 years ago now and I can say that I now almost never have to worry about ejaculating too early.
However, to be honest it took me a bit longer than expected to get to the stage that I’m at now. While the site claims that it will only take 4 weeks until you can get full ejaculation control, in my case, it was closer to 8 weeks.
Of course, I wasn’t able to do the training every day due to work commitments and not having enough “alone time”.
Is Ejaculation Freedom Recommended?
Honestly, buying this book should be a no-brainer for any guy who is having a hard time lasting in bed. You’ll get your value back within the first chapter.
And even if you don’t achieve the same results as some guys from the program you will certainly be a lot better once you learn everything.
What Other Books Are Recommended For Men With Premature Ejaculation?
I’ve purchased and read more than 15 books on premature ejaculation and for most of them, I would say that it was mostly a waste of time.
Some of the more spiritual guides may work for guys who are able to but into it but I found them just too mystical and short on anything scientific. I felt like have the time I was being recruited into some ancient Indian cult.
That’s why I recommend starting out with the Ejaculation Freedom program. Because it teaches you all of those methods and techniques, but Dan does it in a straightforward way without all the rest.

Gary Larkinham started the Acmefirst Health site to give men affected by premature a better standard of information and guidance. Through his own struggles and research, he has become a proponent of behavioral and exercise-based treatments for premature ejaculation.