Last Updated on January 25, 2022 by Gary Larkinham
Although you don’t often hear much about it, premature ejaculation is a huge issue for a lot of couples and it looks as though up till now the problem has been getting worse and worse.
What Makes Men Ejaculation Early?
You could blame it on higher stress levels, unhealthy diets, less spare time, or even increased expectations from both men and women about what to expect in the bedroom.
No one really knows for sure but I’m pretty confident it’s a combination of all these factors and more for at least some couples who are finding it is interfering with their intimacies and overall relationship health.
Can I Train Myself To Last Longer In Bed?
There is good news, however, and it comes in the form of some great new methods being developed to teach men how to last longer in bed naturally through a combination of education, techniques, and training exercises to last longer.
Leading the charge at the forefront of this new research is Adam Davey who has spent the last ten years working with and researching treatment methods for men experiencing premature ejaculation with astounding success.
So much success in fact that he is so much in demand that it’s almost impossible to book sessions for his one on one coaching, with waiting times now well over a year… but there is some good news.
Last Longer Now Training Guide Review
I know a lot of guys have been waiting quite a while for this and it’s finally here.
Adam has finally released the total program in the form of a book titled Last Longer Now, which can be downloaded from his site in ebook format or if you can wait for it, it will be published in hard copy and available in bookstores by early next year.
I’ve spent the last few days digitally thumbing through Last Longer Now and I can tell you right now that this is going to be a game-changer for a whole lot of guys.
There has simply never before been anything like this available online or off for guys dealing with premature ejaculation.
Having met Adam quite a few times before I am familiar with his style which is no-nonsense and straight to the point and I’m glad to say that this style has also transcended to the style used in his program guide.
He doesn’t go off on tangents or spend pages winding on about theory. he has a great way of getting straight to the point and showing exactly what you can do, step by step to improve your lasting time and performance during sex.
That’s not to say that the book isn’t detailed. In fact, the approach Adam takes is very structured and systematic where he breaks down everything into 7 key skill-sets that can be steadily improved to form a solid foundation for the improvement you will start to see.
Look Out For An Interview
I’ll be looking to line up an interview with Adam in the near future so he can tell us more about it and answer a few questions you may have but in the meantime, it’s worth checking out the site where Adam goes into a great deal of detail about all the components of the program.

Gary Larkinham started the Acmefirst Health site to give men affected by premature a better standard of information and guidance. Through his own struggles and research, he has become a proponent of behavioral and exercise-based treatments for premature ejaculation.